Applications for the 24-25 school are open. Schedule a tour now!

“Montessori is an education for independence, preparing not just for school but for life.”  – Maria Montessori One of the many qualities of a Montessori education is our focus on the whole child, investing not just in academics and physical education, but personal growth. Montessori 
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As St. Patrick's Day drew near we studied the words of the famous Irish poet William Butler Yeats. "The world is full of magic things," he said, "patiently waiting ...
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For those who don’t know, The Root Children starts off with a sweet little image of several children sleeping cozily underground in a big warm looking bed when Mother Earth comes along, ...
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If you thought that Covid had a lease on our full attention, think again! It is plain to see that we are at a pivotal crossroads in American culture. The direction we take in the coming years is no less than an existential choice. A 
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A History of the Green Building Lab Dome Project as Told by the Middle School Students Cover photo by Randy Harris Keep reading for an amazing tour of the project and a Time-lapse video! Colin & Sindhu: This project began when the 7th and 8th 
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By Lily Poletto Age 14 After my middle school class at Homestead School created awareness of climate issues, specifically waste, we implemented phase 2: making less waste at our school. It was the natural next step in continuing our work on climate change and creating 
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Climate Change Action Phase 1: Raising Awareness By Lily Poletto Age 14 The Global Week of Climate Action took place from September 23 to 29, and since we are so passionate about our Earth and our futures, the middle school class decided to participate! We 
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