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Music Education

The primary goal of our music enrichment program is to develop musical literacy, while engaging students through an exploration of folk and multicultural music traditions.

Music is such an integral part of a child’s life. Many cultures have used songs to navigate vast oceans, remember folk tales and historic events, and pass on advice. As a Montessori school, we believe every child has the potential to express themselves through music and to learn with, through, and by music.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that children between 3-6 years old undergo a sensitive period for acquiring basic musical skills, such as singing in tune and moving rhythmically, yet our modern tendency to passively listen to music rather than participating in it results in a two-year delay.

Therefore, in our early childhood music program, everyone is encouraged to participate in singing folk songs, traditional songs, and rhymes. This allows our students to develop accurate rhythmic and singing skills as well as a sensitivity to the expressive qualities of music. The children love to sing, play finger games, and move to the music.

In Kindergarten, we expand on this by learning pitch matching, developing a singing voice, and a steady beat, as well as moving expressively with the music.

Lower & Upper Elementary

In lower elementary, we start to fine-tune our pitch matching in solo and group singing, practice our steady beat motions, and demonstrate how beats can be grouped in twos and threes. We continue to use folk songs, games, and rhythmic activities to further explore music. Last, but not least, we begin learning basic rhythmic notations and pitch directions.

In upper elementary, we continue with our curriculum, but the complexity of the songs will increase and may include a singing partner or rounds. Throughout the year, we will continue to learn about music notation by using instruments like recorders and xylophones. Introduction to various instruments including a variety of African drums happens at this age.