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(to access the entire Newbery list go to: 2022: The Last Quentista by Donna Barba Higuera Había una vez . . . There lived a girl named Petra Peña, who wanted nothing more than to be a storyteller, like her abuelita. But Petra’s world is 
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As a young author at the start of my career, one of my peers was asked to judge a book award. At the time, that felt like a far-away goal – something I could never imagine being invited to do. I remember thinking, I hope I get to have that experience someday. Fast forward twenty years...
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While Montessori stressed the importance of using real objects and the use of authentic names and terms with young children in the first plane of development (through age 6) she sometimes referred to the elementary years (6-12) as the “Age of Imagination.” Elementary Montessori teachers 
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Written by Melissa Cahn, Upper Elementary Teacher On January 22, 2020, the Upper Elementary and Middle School students dedicated The Homestead School as an International Peace Site. This school wide celebration featured drumming, songs of peace, and reciting the following Peace Actions: Seek peace within yourself 
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