2020-03-30 Spring Conferences Spring Conferences March 30, 2020 - April 3, 2020 Spring Conferences Spring Conferences will be held as needed, before and after school.
2020-03-30 Stanford Achievement Testing: Grade 3 – Mrs. Steakley’s class Postponed Stanford Achievement Testing: Grade 3 – Mrs. Steakley’s class Postponed March 30, 2020 - April 3, 2020 Stanford Achievement Testing: Grade 3 – Mrs. Steakley’s class Postponed
2020-04-13 Regular School Day for Students- Give Back Day – School Resumes Regular School Day for Students- Give Back Day – School Resumes April 13, 2020 Regular School Day for Students- Give Back Day – School Resumes We have taken away the Staff In Service Day and made it a regular school day for teachers and students.