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The Collaborative College High School: Hurleyville Campus

Homestead Collaborative College High School takes the mission and values of Homestead School to the level of depth and application appropriate for secondary school students.

As our students begin the incredible transformation of adolescence, they are welcomed on to a new campus that speaks to the potential, the desire to explore new things, and the opportunity for new levels of independence.  Our students are guided by incredible and passionate teachers who are trained in Secondary Montessori pedagogy, and come with a wide range of professional expertise that they generously share with our students each and every day.



Junior High (12-15 Years)

During this first part of the adolescent developmental plane (ages 12-15) our students’ experiences range closer to the Collaborative Hub, CCHS’s main educational building. The opportunity for interaction, collaboration, and learning all along Main Street are a daily part of their school experience. Physical education and sports are guided by CCHS teachers on the SUNY Sullivan Campus.

Explore Junior High

Senior High (15-18 Years)

In the second part of the adolescent developmental plane (ages 15-18) students again have the opportunity to expand the canvas of their learning environment to include all of the resources of SUNY Sullivan’s campus. The intimate size and proximity of the SUNY campus make it a perfect next step as our students progressively expand their hearts and intellects into wider spheres of interaction with their world.

Explore Senior High

The Mission & The Campus

The Collaborative College High School maintains the low student to teacher ratio that has helped make the Homestead such a caring and nurturing place. CCHS continues to provide individualized academic guidance in order to offer the appropriate amount of academic challenge and direction to the needs of a wide range of individuals. In tandem, the educators and professionals at Homestead, SUNY Sullivan, and The Center for Discovery provide opportunities for mentorship and counseling that support student growth beyond academics.  The combination of individualized guidance paired with a collaborative approach rooted in Montessori principles is the key to our students’ ability to develop as self-directed individuals who are not only curious, but able to adapt and create positive changes to the world around them.

Woodworking Shop

Our Hurleyville Campus (aka The Collaborative Hub)

This recently constructed 12,740 sqft. creative wonderland is the home base for CCHS students.  Filled with light and space, our students are encouraged to grow and learn in this beautiful and modern facility which offers a digital media lab, a 3D print lab, laser cutter, CNC router, a visual art and ceramics studio, a large woodworking shop, and a greenhouse.

Explore The Hurleyville Collaborative Hub
SUNY Suulivan Campus

SUNY Sullivan Campus

Follow Main Street into Loch Sheldrake and within a few minutes you arrive at the beautiful SUNY Sullivan campus where students in the Junior High have access to the sports facilities, including a huge field house with indoor track and basketball courts and outdoors a baseball and a soccer field.

Explore Our Partnership With SUNY Sullivan

The Center For Discovery

Through our partnership with The Center For Discovery, students will have access to a beautiful regulation soccer field and regenerative agriculture experts who staff The Center’s incredible 300 acres of Organic and Biodynamic certified farms that abound in vegetables, orchards, livestock, and medicinal and culinary herbs. 


Collaboration on Main Street

Beyond the main building of the Collaborative Hub is Main Street where students have access to the Hurleyville Performing Arts Center’s dance and yoga studios as well as its theater and stage. Up Main Street, students can explore fiber arts at Fiber on Main, participate in journalism at The Hurleyville Sentinel, run by county historian John Conway.