Applications for the 25-26 school are open. Apply today!

By Gabrielle Kahn “S—s-s-s-A-a-a-a-F-f-f-f-E-e-e-e-T-t-t-t-Y-y-y-y….Safety Dance!” sounds from the laptop in my office. Wait. I know that song. It was irresistibly catchy back in middle school. My radio alarm would blast it in the morning. We’d do a dancing line to it in the cafeteria, marching 
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By Jessica Gibson Our daugter started pre-k at the Homestead School in 2018 and moved on to kindergarten in 2019.  The school campus is an amazing environment for a hands on nature-based education, and the teachers are all so kind and understanding of each child. 
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On the morning of March 18, 2020, as the Homestead School staff launched their first day of online learning, I received a text from our friend at CovidCourage in New York City, asking if we’d be able to collaborate with them in the effort to 
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Written by Melissa Cahn, Upper Elementary Teacher On January 22, 2020, the Upper Elementary and Middle School students dedicated The Homestead School as an International Peace Site. This school wide celebration featured drumming, songs of peace, and reciting the following Peace Actions: Seek peace within yourself 
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By Jennifer Gebhardt I was both excited and anxious about the first day of ski club. Excited because finally my kids would get to learn to ski. Anxious because while I was confident my older son would be instantly hooked, my younger daughter, well…she’s a 
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Grace Lutfy was part of the first Homestead class to experience Grades 4, 5, and 6 when we started expanding this school to the upper elementary about eight years ago. After finishing Delaware Valley High School with a long list of accomplishments and college acceptances 
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